1 Peter 4 Summary

1 Peter 4


This chapter seems to be about arming yourself with the mind of suffering for doing what's right (from v1). It talks about evil behavior based on fleshly lust (v2-4) which we have to give up. We have to suffer somewhat because of that. We also have to suffer somewhat because of other people talking badly about us because we do what's right (v4,14).

We however, need to speak the right way. When we get together with other people or have a chance to talk to them, we shouldn't just talk about things like football. We should talk about things of the Lord, like His Word (v11). Instead of the evil behavior, we're supposed to have good behavior (v7-11), by doing everything we do for the Lord (v11). We have to be willing to suffer in order to do what's right like this, because we have to sacrifice our own fleshly pleasure for other people, for example, in hospitality (v9).

We shouldn't let extreme trials take us by surprise (v12), but we should be glad because of the reward of the Lord's glory that's going to make it worthwhile (v13,14).

Finally, we're warned that it is not worthwhile to suffer just because of our own sin (v15). Instead of sinning in ways that lead to suffering, we should just keep doing what's right even when we suffer. We should just keep trusting the Lord to keep and reward us (v19).

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