Demise of the Antichrists

Isaiah 25:8

He will swallow up death in victory; and the Lord GOD will wipe away tears from off all faces; and the rebuke of his people shall he take away from off all the earth: for the LORD hath spoken [it].
There will be death, tears, and rebuke for us until Jesus comes. Wicked men will be exalted and rule until that day.

We have many enemies in the world, called antichrists. They teach against the Truth of the God's Word, which we teach by His Holy Spirit.

Our enemy the devil is angry with Israel and Believers because Israel brought forth Jesus Christ, and we believers have the Word of His Testimony. Jesus has given the devil the mortal wound in his head, and will bind him for a millennium, and will cast him into the lake of fire in the judgment at the end.

In his anger, Satan has declared war on Jews and Christians. Don't fall for any of the lie that "This isn't a religious war." Terrorists in Iraq are killing many Believers for Our Faith. Terrorists are killing Jews in Israel. As I type this, secret groups of evil men around the world are plotting the next catastrophic terrorist attacks against the United States because of our nation's support of Jews and Testimony for Jesus Christ.

Our enemy has three methods of warfare: Stealing, Killing, and Destroying.

Don't lay up earthly treasure he can steal and destroy. Instead lay up your eternal treasure with the Lord.

Sometimes our enemy and his servants are allowed to destroy and kill our bodies, but fear God instead of them, because God can destroy the soul and body in Hell.

Whoever has believed on the Lord Jesus has everlasting life for his soul, and will never perish in Hell! We will overcome our enemies as we keep the Lord's Word and Testimony to the death instead of loving our own lives.

You can tell antichrists today because they teach the false prophecies like the book of mormon, the new world "translation", the apocrypha, and the koran.

Turn to Jesus. If you come to Jesus, there's no way he'll throw you out!

Fear not, because Jesus Christ Himself is on His way back. He's coming quickly. All of us who suffer with Him will also reign with Him. Our sufferings today are nothing in comparison with the glory that'll be revealed.

First, it'll get a lot worse. The earth will be crawling with deceivers. They will have power to work all mighty signs and wonders to deceive all the unsaved. A single evil man (#666) will take over the entire world, and pretend to be God. Whoever doesn't worship him will be brutally killed.

But then the sound of the trumpet will be heard, and a shout. Jesus will descend from the heavens from in a cloud. The voice of the archangel will cry out. The stars will fall out of the sky! The earth will shake and the rocks and mountains will be torn in pieces! With the Lord will come His armies, and all Christians will meet Him in the air. He will bring us back with Him, and the time to kill will come. We will dash the nations in pieces with a rod of iron!

Oh, the incredible victory, that I don't have either the time or the understanding to fully describe!

Be ready.

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