Acts 3 Summary


v1-7 Give What You Have
v8-10 Jump Up to Praise the Lord
v11-12 Not Our Own Power or Holiness
v13-15 The Death and Resurrection of Jesus Christ
v16 Faith in His Name
v17,18 Jesus Fulfilled the Scriptures
v19 Repent (Which Means, Change Your Mind)
v20-26 Jesus Turning You Away From Your Wickedness


v12 It's not by our own power or holiness.
v16 It is by believing in Jesus.

v13-15 Our sin is responsible for Jesus' death.

v17 Be warned if we Christians sin, it's not through ignorance like this, because we know better. (Hebrews 10:26,27)


v6 Many times something I've thought is little has opened up into a great opportunity when I just did what I could. There are things that we know the Lord has told us to do, and we just need to do them. Give what you have.

v8 This should be the kind of attitude we have. We should "jump up to praise the Lord."

What are we supposed to preach when we preach the gospel?
v13-15 Tell who Jesus is, and tell His death and resurrection.

v19 We should tell people to turn away from not believing, and to change their minds to faith in Jesus (v16.)

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