be willing and obedient

Isaiah 1


If ye be willing and obedient, ye shall eat the good of the land:

Remember, we can't get ourselves to heaven by the good things that we do. However, that doesn't mean that there's anything wrong with trying to do good things! As a matter of fact, we're supposed to. We should work on being willing and obedient.

From: My Anchor Holds

By William Martin, 1902 and Daniel Towner, 1902
Mighty tides about me sweep,
Perils lurk within the deep,
Angry clouds o’ershade the sky,
And the tempest rises high;
Still I stand the tempest’s shock,
For my anchor grips the rock.

And it holds, my anchor holds:
Blow your wildest, then, O gale,
On my bark so small and frail;
By His grace I shall not fail,
For my anchor holds, my anchor holds.
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