And she hasted, and emptied her pitcher into the trough, and ran again unto the well to draw [water], and drew for all his camels.
Rebekah served so well, even in what could have seemed like such an insignificant thing. She was just doing a mundane daily chore of fetching water. She probably had no idea who this servant was: just some thirsty stranger. But she didn't look at it that way.
We should show the love of God towards other people in all of our work. Rebekah probably would never have imagined that with her zeal to fetch this water for this thirsty stranger, she was purchasing the future of her wildest dreams. Even in the small things that seem inconsequential to us, we should realize that we serve the Lord and He will reward us. We never know what kind of amazing and wonderful opportunities He has in store for us, as we just faithfully serve... even in the little things.
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