- v1-4
- Pharaoh dreamed that seven skinny cows came and ate seven fat cows who had come before them
- v5-7
- Pharaoh dreamed that 7 shriveled ears of corn ate seven fat ears of corn
- v8-13
- nobody could help, but the chief butler remembered Joseph
- v14-16
- Joseph was suddenly taken out of prison, and gave the credit to the Lord for interpreting dreams
- v17-21
- Pharaoh told Joseph his dream about the cows
- v22-24
- Pharaoh also told Joseph about his second dream about the ears of corn
- v25-32
- Joseph told how God was showing what was going to happen to Egypt's economy in the immediate future
- v33-36
- Joseph also told what to do to take care of the problem
- v37-46
- Joseph went from rags to riches as Pharaoh recognized his wisdom
- v47-53
- the seven years of prosperity
- v50-52
- Joseph had two sons, Manasseh and Ephraim
- v54-57
- there was a Great Depression in Egypt, and a world food crisis in in all of the economies in the world
One "Unique" Dude
Mohau is a very funny person - sometimes intentionally, sometimes not so
much. One day, though, his self-awareness and then lack of such was both
8 years ago
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